Denture Relines

Denture Relines

Denture relines are essential procedures in dentistry aimed at restoring the fit and comfort of removable dentures. This is because, over time, changes in the jawbone structure and soft tissues can cause dentures to become loose, leading to discomfort, difficulty chewing, and potential oral health issues. Denture relines involve adding new material to the tissue surface of the denture, either hard or soft, to ensure a snug and secure fit against the gums. This process helps alleviate discomfort, prevent irritation, and enhance oral function, ultimately promoting the wearer's comfort, confidence, and well-being. Thus, regular denture relines are crucial for maintaining optimal oral health and ensuring dentures' longevity. 

Types of Denture Relines

Hard Denture Relines

Hard denture relines are the most common relines performed in dental practices. This procedure involves adding a new layer of hard acrylic material to the tissue surface of the denture. The added acrylic conforms to the gums' contours, restoring the denture's fit and stability. Hard relines are ideal for individuals experiencing significant jawbone structural changes or those requiring a more durable and long-lasting solution. They provide excellent support and retention, allowing for improved chewing efficiency and speech clarity.

Soft Denture Relines

Soft denture relines utilize a pliable material that conforms to the shape of the gums, providing cushioning and relief from pressure points. This type of reline is recommended for individuals with sensitive or sore gums and those prone to discomfort from traditional hard dentures. Soft relines offer enhanced comfort and reduced irritation, particularly suitable for patients with thin or fragile gum tissue. They provide a gentle cushioning effect that can alleviate discomfort and promote better oral health.

The Procedure for Denture Relines

Denture relines are crucial procedures in dentistry aimed at restoring the fit and comfort of removable dentures. The procedure typically begins with an evaluation by the dentist in Lemoore, CA, to assess the condition of the existing denture and the patient's oral health. During this evaluation, the dentist may take impressions or digital scans of the mouth to capture the shape and size of the gums. These impressions guide the fabrication of the new lining material, ensuring a precise fit and optimal comfort.

Once the impressions are taken, the dentist at Dr. Riemer Dental Group proceeds with the reline procedure. For hard denture relines, a new layer of hard acrylic material is added to the tissue surface of the denture. This material is carefully shaped and adjusted to conform to the gums' contours, restoring the denture's fit and stability. Soft denture relines, on the other hand, involve the application of a pliable material that conforms to the shape of the gums, providing cushioning and relief from pressure points. The dentist meticulously adjusts the soft material to ensure a comfortable and secure fit against the gums. 

After the reline material has been applied and adjusted, the dentist evaluates the fit and comfort of the newly relined denture. Any necessary adjustments are made to ensure a proper bite alignment and optimal comfort for the patient. Once the fit and comfort are satisfactory, the relined denture is polished and finalized for use.

The patient is then given instructions for care and maintenance of the relined denture and any follow-up appointments that may be needed. With the completion of the reline procedure, the patient can enjoy restored comfort and functionality of their denture, promoting overall oral health and well-being. 

The Benefits of Denture Relines

Improved Comfort

One of the primary benefits of denture relines in Lemoore, CA, is enhanced comfort for denture wearers. As dentures age and the jawbone changes shape, they may no longer fit properly, leading to sore spots, irritation, and discomfort. Denture relines address these issues by adding new lining material to the denture, restoring the fit and stability against the gums. This alleviates pressure points and reduces friction, allowing individuals to wear their dentures comfortably throughout the day.

Enhanced Functionality

Properly fitting dentures are essential for optimal oral function, including chewing, biting, and speaking. Denture relines improve functionality by restoring the fit and stability of the denture, enabling individuals to eat a varied diet, speak clearly, and confidently engage in social activities. With a well-fitting denture, individuals can enjoy improved chewing efficiency, better digestion, and enhanced quality of life. Contact us today!

Prevention of Complications

Ill-fitting dentures can lead to oral health complications, including gum irritation, sores, and infections. Denture relines help prevent these issues by restoring the proper fit and alignment of the denture. By reducing pressure points and friction against the gums, relined dentures minimize the risk of tissue damage and inflammation, promoting long-term oral health and well-being. Regular denture relines are crucial for preventing complications and ensuring dentures' continued comfort and functionality.


Denture relines offer a cost-effective solution for individuals experiencing fit issues with their dentures. Instead of replacing the entire denture, which can be costly and time-consuming, a denture reline allows for adjustments to the existing prosthetic device. This saves money and eliminates the need for a new denture to be fabricated. By investing in regular denture relines, individuals can maintain the longevity of their dentures and avoid unnecessary expenses associated with replacement.

By addressing changes in the jawbone and soft tissues over time, denture relines ensure that dentures fit correctly and comfortably, promoting oral health and well-being. If you're experiencing discomfort or fit issues with your dentures, visit Dr. Riemer Dental Group at 446 C St, Lemoore, CA 93245, or call (559) 924-2520 to explore the benefits of denture relines and take the necessary steps to restore comfort and functionality to your smile.

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Lemoore, CA

446 C St, Lemoore, CA 93245


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